Tuesday, February 2, 2016

10 Major Turning Points in Life (Transformational Empowerment Coaching for Women in Michigan)

Following are some sign posts that you may be in, or approaching a turning point in life in which you could benefit greatly by enlisting the support and expertise of a Transformational Life Coach:

  • You have experienced a goal-related set-back and/or disappointed you’ve never recovered from.
  • You have many talents, are above average in many ways, but at the end of the day feel you are not “good enough” to be truly successful.
  • You have very high expectations of yourself and others, yet continually find yourself disappointed with outcomes.
  • You strive to define yourself and what you are ‘supposed’ to do in this life, but find yourself either falling short, or disappointed with outcomes.
  • You attract people who do not put in the same effort you do into the relationship, ultimately feeling used and disappointed.
  • You seek deeper connections with others than they seek from you.
  • Although you know you should be “counting your blessings” and “sucking it up”, a part of you still feels dis-satisfied, as if you are lacking a clear definition and purpose to live up to your ‘destiny’.
  • Your sense of self-worth is tied up in, and contingent upon the idea of material return and/or measurable validation.
  • You are caught in relational patterns with others and often feel criticized and rejected instead of appreciated and supported.
  • You are a seeker, constantly re-inventing yourself, though ultimately dis-satisfied with the results of each new path and attempts at self identification.

If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of these, you can benefit from empowerment coaching, and ultimately change your life. You can find peace, solace, validation, encouragement and results from embarking on a coaching program with me to find your true center and purpose. Request a coaching session today and we’ll cover your blocks and challenges and map out an immediate plan for you to accomplish all you are meant to be and do!

Mind Body Spirit Solutions Downriver offers holistic healing services for women and children for purposes of transformation, healing and personal development.  Services include General Hypnotherapy, Medical and Dental Hypnosis, Hypnoanalysis, Pediatric Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Regression, Energy Healing, Transformational Coaching. For questions or more information, please call (734) 308-4934.

A Woman's Guide to Finding Her Life Path (Transformational Empowerment Coaching in Michigan)

You Are Inherently Unique

You are inherently unique. You have been blessed in infinite ways with specialized gifts from the Creator, which are also attached to an innate calling, or sense of purpose in this lifetime. These gifts equate to your special calling, which defines and drives you to find and execute your sense of purpose. Our experience of time is linear and seemingly concrete, though in the cosmic or universal sense, time is much more flexible and abstract. This means the opportunities we need to fully find and execute our sense of purpose may be presented to our awareness either early or later in life and may require part, or full-time attention.

Being Called for Change

Most of us go through periods in life where we feel restless and unfulfilled with relationships, career, life direction and finances. This dissonance can be recognized in two ways: either transition is coming into your life on its own, or its time to move forward and create transition for yourself. The difference between the two is that outside transitions seem to happen in unexpected ways and out of the blue, whereas an internal transition is the catalyst to begin moving into new directions in an effort to calm that sense of being unfulfilled or to heed the call for change.

Things we are naturally good at or gifted with are indicators that those areas are ones in which are tied to your purpose. Whether it be helping, healing or teaching others, being a numbers or electronic whiz, or being extraordinarily gifted with words, music or artistic expression, these are all equally as important in finding and executing your purpose. Many people feel their gifts are not significant enough to make an impact on others, or are not as important or “great” as those others possess. This is simply not true. A rainbow wouldn’t be a rainbow without a multitude of colors. Just as we all represent a part of the creator and are equally as significant, so too are the gifts you possess to the world.

Finally ... Breaking from Convention

In general, most of us begin our adult chapter by doing things in traditional, conventional ways that others expect from us. We may even go all the way through college studying something we don’t enjoy, find a job in the field and work it for many years before we decide we’re tired of living without a sense of fulfilled purpose. Others may come out of the gate marching to their own drum in search of finding that sense of doing what they’re supposed to be doing right away and others pass from this life to the next having leaving much work to do. In truth, our purposes are many throughout life and takes us through a multitude of different chapters. The question becomes, “How motivated am I to find and fulfill my purpose(s) in this life?”.

We know what we don’t want from life, as it’s reflected in how we feel about people and situations in a very noticeable way. Figuring out what you do want and how to get it can be much more difficult. However, with courage and a willingness to step outside of others expectations, convention, and tradition, everyone has the ability to explore, find and execute his or her purpose(s) in this lifetime. Ask yourself what your really good at, what you enjoy doing, and how you can harness what you have to offer in a way to assist, enrich and support or inspire others? Do you have artistic or musical ability? Great leadership skills? Are you a born teacher?

A Woman IS Multi-purpose Purpose(s)

Whatever your purpose is, whether it be one or more, one which requires only a part-time commitment, or one that requires more, by finding and executing your purpose you open yourself up to an enjoyable existence – one which reignites passion for life, offers prosperity and abundance, and enriches humanity in some way as a whole. Your gift to the world … is YOU.

“What you are seeking is seeking you.” -Rumi

You can find peace, solace, validation, encouragement and results from embarking on a coaching program with me to find your true center and purpose. Request a coaching session today and we’ll cover your blocks and challenges and map out an immediate plan for you to accomplish all you are meant to be and do!

Mind Body Spirit Solutions Downriver offers holistic healing services for women and children for purposes of transformation, healing and personal development. Services include General Hypnotherapy, Medical and Dental Hypnosis, Hypnoanalysis, Pediatric Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Regression, Energy Healing, Transformational Coaching. For questions or more information, please call (734) 308-4934.

Embracing Women's Intuition (Self Acceptance Coaching in Michigan)

A Woman’s Intuition” is the term used to describe the uncanny ability women often show as an active response to any number of situations that would be considered outside the realm of typical logic or reason in terms of knowing or feeling, or both.

Our feminine sense manifests itself in:

  • Romantic Relationships
  • Children and Family Members
  • Random Situations

So, basically it’s safe to say that the Inner Compass of Woman responds naturally to a wide variety of stimulus we encounter on a daily basis.

So why do so many of us question it’s legitimacy?

We naturally get feelings and senses about most of the things we come into contact with on a daily basis without any logical, practical, or rational basis at all. Often, intuition is such an ingrained part of us, we tend to lose the ability to separate true intuition from who we are, instead rationalizing away the feelings or notions we get as imagination, nonsense, etc.

Women are innate nurturers; it’s in our biology. It is my belief that since we are so connected to that infinitely compassionate part of ourselves, recognizing and utilizing our intuition has it’s purpose in not only caring for (and about) others, but is also to be used for our highest good and fulfillment in life. However, we most often nurture ourselves last, or never at all!

Types of Intuition

A good way to distinguish innate intuition from guidance otherwise outside of the Self, is to listen to your thoughts and feelings in the context of “I’s”and “You’s”. Intuitive senses in the self form indicate it’s coming from an internal mechanism. These abstract translations typically operate from the place of our highest personal benefit. “You” type thoughts and feelings are typically coming from an outside force that most people identify with as an external guide, guardian, force, etc. of a positive nature.

In general, negative thoughts, feelings, etc., are not naturally occurring and usually come from a force outside of us that does not have our best benefit in mind. This could be illustrated as a sense of uneasiness toward a person, place or situation that has dark potentials, for example.

Additionally, any kind of negative thought or feeling we have about ourselves is typically the result of negative programming we are faced with in our environments, usually starting from a very young age when we are learning socially acceptable behavior. We are raised to believe every action, motivation, and belief we have should be acceptable to someone else and sets the bar for living a life for everyone else, neglecting the Self.

Embracing Yourself

It’s of the utmost important to allow ourselves the opportunity to determine who and what we are independently of the opinions, judgements and beliefs others hold about, or for us.

We are raised to believe that to be a strong, grounded woman we must exercise rationalism, practicality and logical thinking always. Erroneously, this primary type of thinking is the very thinking that most often leads us from the Path of Empowerment and Authentic Self. The result is that we end up living a life of misery, making choices for the benefit of pleasing others and/or fitting in, ultimately neglecting ourselves and our unique journey in life, and honestly, never really knowing who we are authentically.

“ The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – C.G. Jung

You can find peace, solace, validation, encouragement and results from embarking on a coaching program with me to find your true center and purpose. Request a coaching session today and we’ll cover your blocks and challenges and map out an immediate plan for you to accomplish all you are meant to be and do!

Mind Body Spirit Solutions Downriver offers holistic healing services for women and children for purposes of transformation, healing and personal development. Services include General Hypnotherapy, Medical and Dental Hypnosis, Hypnoanalysis, Pediatric Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Regression, Energy Healing, Transformational Coaching. For questions or more information, please call (734) 308-4934.

Mom Tips for 2015 and Beyond (Empowerment Coaching for Moms in Michigan)

Stuck on the Hamster Wheel

Today’s mom has many roles in life. Sometimes we play both mom and dad, balance a career with household and child rearing responsibilities, and rarely we might have a little time left over for ourselves in between carpooling and activities. Cooking large homemade meals is, for many families, a thing of the past. It’s drive-thru’s and meals out of boxes and bags, and maybe even running out of clean school clothes to wear because there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done we feel driven to do. Some days, when we let it all get to us, we kinda feel like we are in a vicious circle, like we are that crazed hamster running endlessly on a squeaky wheel and can’t escape.

The bright side is, we don’t have to feel this way. We have choices, choices and more choices on that matter, BUT…

While parenting is very rewarding, when things aren’t going so well with our children, we can become dis-empowered and slip into negative thinking. We might feel as if we are utter failures at parenting when our children display behavioral problems in school or at home, or when they are getting bad grades, and in later years, perhaps dropping out of school or deciding not to pursue a college education. The scenarios are endless. For the aware mom that has devoted herself selflessly for years on end for the proper care and keeping of her child(ren), these types of situations weigh heavily upon our minds and hearts because we feel like if we’d just done ________, ________ would never have happened.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Once our kid(s) hit that magic age where peer acceptance becomes more important than that of parent’s, the struggle begins. Well-mannered, A/B student with presentable clothing disappears and we sometimes wonder if the body snatchers have invaded and swapped out our kid for perhaps a rude, angry, troubled child with failing grades and a wardrobe (and new friends) to cringe at. Now in the event of neglectful parenting, an unstable home life, or some kind of trauma, we can better see and understand the “Why’s” behind less desirable changes in personality and habits. Conversely, within the more normal realms of life, these types of potentially alarming changes in a child arise not to make us feel like failures as a mom, but to bring our attention to the fact that our approaches and perspectives on behalf of our maturing child(ren) need to be re-examined and new structures developed.

As a mom of two myself (10 and 12), holistic therapist, and former teacher I have seen a multitude of scenarios and differences in parenting as well as the types of relationships moms have with their kids. Nonetheless, when I face a situation in which my children aren’t “following the plan”, and acting in ways that don’t serve their highest purpose, I tend to beat myself up too, and wonder where I went wrong. As time progresses though, I am becoming more mindful of this and learning to redirect the self blame into something more constructive and empowering. Even though we feel extremely responsible for our children’s success and well being, we have to get to the point of gaining a balanced perspective on what we can control when it comes to our children. It’s not easy, going to happen overnight, and it takes time, effort and repetition to change the way we automatically jump to self-blame mode when it comes to choices our children are making.

Something to Talk About

It may be that your child is struggling with an emotional, social or self-esteem issue you are unaware of. The most important opportunity we can take as moms, is the one in which our child is not thriving and doing what we can to bond strongly with them, gain their full trust, and get to the bottom of what’s causing the unhealthy behaviors. Instead of feeling a sense of having failed as a mom, we instead need to take a red flag as an opportunity to reconnect with our child(ren) and do what we can to encourage them to believe in themselves, their happiness, and potentials.

It’s far too easy for the mom wearing many hats to get caught so caught up in the stresses and demands of working, relationships, parenting, etc., to get into the habit of not being as aware, present and empowered in their parenting.

The Generational Affect

There are no shortcuts to raising children better, healthier and happier than we were or are, which is the way I believe it’s supposed to be. We try to avoid perceived “mistakes” prior generations made for the ultimate purpose of raising children that are not weighted down by the issues we felt resulted from how we were raised.

Being a mom is the most important thing a woman will ever do, as we are creating an ultimate legacy to be carried on in each one of our children. Does this mean mom shouldn’t have time to herself, or feel as if she needs to be a slave to her children? Absolutely not. What it means is that small mundane things that take up precious moments in our life can be traded in for something of the utmost importance – the time, teaching, loving and guiding of our children.

Sometimes in life things get off track to remind us we need to reinforce our attention and efforts. I believe the same applies to our children. Intervening at the first sign of a potential problem with our kids can avoid problems later down the road. At times, we may feel the need to have our child(ren) see a counselor, doctor, tutor or other professional that can perhaps better address the issue(s) they are experiencing better than we can. Simply becoming aware of an issue and bringing your attention to the fact that a red flag is a cry for your help, and doing something about it to help, is the best we can do.

In a Nutshell...

Empowered parenting for moms is about realizing and accepting we wear many hats, and they can’t all fit on at once. Realizing there is no such thing as perfection or ultimate control is the first of many steps as we evolve into motherhood. Doing our best to be emotionally, mentally and physically available and present are the biggest gifts anyone will ever be able to give your child, and will leave a lasting, positive imprint on future generations. If we are not confident in our parenting as moms, something genetically, intuitively, and biologically wired in, what can we feel good about?

Accepting ourselves for who and what we are, being authentic and strong empowers us as mothers, not just as women. Whether we fully realize our impact our actions will have on our children at a later time is not so much the issue, because if we are present, aware and empowered now, the choices we make on the best behalf of our children will take on a positive life of their own and carry forward. We want our children to love themselves and be mentally, emotionally and socially well-adjusted, but how many of us as mom’s, women, wives, etc., do nothing but criticize ourselves and live with self-doubt, dragging around guilt and responsibility for a million things we truly have no control over?

The Three R’s

An imbalance of any kind, is simply a reminder that our attention and efforts need to be re-examined, re-focused and re-launched. Perfection is impossible when the mind and ego are the forces fueling our existence. Open awareness, positive intention and effort are the three most significant keys to being empowered as both a woman, and a mom.

Request a coaching session today and we’ll cover your blocks and challenges and map out an immediate plan for you to accomplish all you are meant to be and do!
Mind Body Spirit Solutions Downriver offers holistic healing services for women and children for purposes of transformation, healing and personal development. Services include General Hypnotherapy, Medical and Dental Hypnosis, Hypnoanalysis, Pediatric Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Regression, Energy Healing, Transformational Coaching. For questions or more information, please call (734) 308-4934.